Bothwell Regional Health Center to Host Smoking Cessation Class in May
Bothwell Regional Health Center will host a smoking cessation class for anyone who would like to kick the habit.
According to a press release from Bothwell, smokers can find the tools and steps they need to help quit smoking.
The smoking cessation course, "Freedom from Smoking," will begin May 3rd.
The class is described as an 'eight-session behavior-modification program,' which follows the American Lung Association’s curriculum.
The class will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 in the Bothwell Education Center, located at the corner of 14th Street and Ingram Avenue.
The cost for the class is $50.00, and the resgistration deadline is April 26th. Registration forma are available online at
The press release states there must be at least 15 registered people, or the classes won’t be held.
Participants will attend three sessions before “Quit Day.” For added support, the group will meet twice during the week of “Quit Day,” to help ensure participants have the support and strategies they need to hopefully stay smoke-free. The additional class will be held on May 26th.
For more information, call 660-827-9138