27 Yorkies Rescued from Suspected Former Breeder
On Tuesday, October 17, the Humane Society of Missouri Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACT) rescued 27 Yorkshire Terrier dogs from a suspected former breeder on a property in Bates County in western Missouri. Eighteen (18) of the dogs were living outside with only barns and a horse trailer for shelter; nine were living inside the residence. The dogs range in age from six-week-old puppies to elderly, adult dogs.
An anonymous caller to the Humane Society of Missouri’s Animal Cruelty Hotline expressed concern about the number of dogs on the property and the owners’ ability to care for them. A Humane Society of Missouri animal cruelty investigator visited the property and talked with the owners who agreed that, because of personal and family health issues, they could no longer properly care for their dogs. The owners agreed to voluntarily surrender the dogs to the Humane Society of Missouri.
Investigators found the dogs living in cramped, filthy crates and barn areas covered with urine and feces. Investigators believe the dogs have not had regular veterinary care. The dogs are all suffering from severe flea infestation, severe hair loss and dental disease. Several have severely matted fur. Other medical issues may be discovered as Humane Society of Missouri veterinarians thoroughly examine each dog.
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