Would You Rather Wednesdays

Would You Rather Wednesday: Holiday Hangovers or Hiccups? [POLL]
Would You Rather Wednesday: Holiday Hangovers or Hiccups? [POLL]
Would You Rather Wednesday: Holiday Hangovers or Hiccups? [POLL]
After a brief hiatus and a few early cups of egg nog, "Would You Rather Wednesday" is back. Speaking of eggnog, the holidays are a perfect time to gather with family and old friends. Things could always get a little crazy.
Would You Rather Wednesday: Meals or Wheels?
Would You Rather Wednesday: Meals or Wheels?
Would You Rather Wednesday: Meals or Wheels?
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I know people like to discuss what they will be eating over the holiday. Some people even exchange recipes for the big day. A lot of you will also travel for Thanksgiving.
Would You Rather Wednesday: Ewwww!
Would You Rather Wednesday: Ewwww!
Would You Rather Wednesday: Ewwww!
Welcome back in to another Would You Rather Wednesday. Last week we had a Halloween themed question. The majority of you would rather spend the night in a house where someone was murdered as opposed to a dark cemetery. Today we discuss some gross bodily fluids. Come with me!
Would You Rather Wednesday: Star Wars Voices [POLL]
Would You Rather Wednesday: Star Wars Voices [POLL]
Would You Rather Wednesday: Star Wars Voices [POLL]
Happy Humpday to you! Last week we were living inside someone's daydreams. The majority of you would rather live inside of a 6-year-old's daydreams as opposed to a 60-year-old's daydreams. This week we get a little nerdy in a galaxy far, far away.