
10 Cats Stuck in Things
10 Cats Stuck in Things
10 Cats Stuck in Things
Cats are funny little creatures. Some like dressing up in reindeer antlers while others bask in the grumpy glory of fame. It doesn't matter what kind of feline we come across-- we're always big fans of the furballs. However, there is one type of kitty that tops our list of favorites: the kind that gets stuck in things.
Woman Has Had the Same Song Stuck In Her Head For Three Years
Woman Has Had the Same Song Stuck In Her Head For Three Years
Woman Has Had the Same Song Stuck In Her Head For Three Years
A song like Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Call Me Maybe' is called an earworm for the insidious way it tunnels into your brain and gets stuck inside your head. The medical term for this is tinnitus, which is a legitimate condition that causes a sufferer to hallucinate songs in their head on an endless loop.