As you might remember, a few weeks back Husbando and I spat in some tubes and mailed them to get the DNA tested. In a way, I kind of forgot about it.  Then, yesterday morning, I got an email.  Husbando's results were in!


British and Irish, not surprising.  German and French, maybe a little surprising. I think he mentioned some Italian, sure. Sub-Saharan African? Now that's unexpected.  Health wise they say he's at increased risk for Macular Degeneration.  No variants for Parkinsons, Alzheimers, Celiac disease. He's more likely to consume caffeine, lactose intolerant... okay.  So he's pretty good, overall!

My results, however, must have been more complicated, because even though we sent in the kits at the same time, mine aren't ready yet.  So, since they weren't ready, I decided to help out the genetic research by answering some survey questions.  Some of them made sense, like family history of disease (although I got a little paranoid about what they were asking me). I got a little hypochondriac-like at a few of the questions, but most of them were normal.  I quickly got down the rabbit hole and easily spent at least a half an hour on these things, and well, some of them were just.......WEIRD. Here are a few I remember:

1.  When you lift your arms over your head, can you touch elbows behind your head?

2.  Are you better with written directions or a map?

3.  Do you like the crust or soft part of bread?

4.  Are you superstitious?

5.  What's your shoe size?

6.  Does the sound of people chewing fill you with rage*?

7.  Do you have a tendency to sneeze when you're full?

WHAT ON EARTH. These scientists wanna know all sorts of weird crap. That's just the ones I remember, there were a ton more. I guess I could go back and take some more surveys while I wait for my results.

Ancestrally Yours,




*That is exactly how they worded it. No lie.

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