The City of Warrensburg will begin construction on the Downtown Revitalization Project Phase IV this week.

According to a press from the City of Warrensburg, this phase is part of the continuing effort to connect the downtown area with the University of Central Missouri, which consists of a modern infrastructure that improves the overall aesthetics of the downtown business district. The work begins Thursday, August 2.

The project incorporates the installation of new underground utilities and streetscape improvements.

Planned improvements include construction on S. Holden Street from Grover Street to South Street, with total asphalt replacement being completed from Railroad St. to South Street.

Project costs totaling $772,000 include construction, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation and engineering. The City's contribution is reported at $349,482, with the remaining costs funded through MoDOT's Surface Transportation Program in the amount of $422,738.

The press release says traffic in Warrensburg will be detoured around the project intermittently and the street will be completely closed from Grover Street to South Street during portions or the construction.

The project timeline is scheduled for 60 days and should be completed by October 1.

Warrensburg, Mo
Kurt Parsons

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