We're all getting older.  Second by second, minute by minute, day by day, week by week, month by month.....  the time keeps ticking along and showing on our faces.  For me, I can't wait.  I look forward to being the old person on the porch screaming at kids to get off my lawn. And actually, as we get older, we'll see our doctors more often.  And that's okay for us, but for the doctors, they might not be as happy about it.  Fifty-six percent of U.S. doctors say their morale is low for a variety of reasons, including problems with the Affordable Care Act.  However, The Physicians Foundation survey of 20,000 doctors also found that optimism has also risen from 32 percent in 2012 to 44 percent today.

However, younger doctors who responded to the poll were more apt to give the Affordable Care Act higher grades and rated EMRs much more favorably than their older counterparts.  In fact, it was younger physicians, female doctors and hospital-employed physicians who were far more optimistic about their profession in the survey than middle-aged and elderly docs, males and those with their own practice.

So how do you feel about getting older? What’s the best age to be? What’s the worst age to be? What age would you want to be all over again? What age are you looking forward to reaching? Tell me all about it and I'll share your answers on the air.



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